Right-of-Way Management Plan for Water and Power Conveyances

Client: CH2M Hill

WRE worked with CH2M Hill in the preparation of a comprehensive Right-of-Way (ROW) Plan for Hetch Hetchy Water & Power, a division of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.

There are approximately 160 miles of ROW, extending from the crest of the Sierra Nevada mountains to the City of San Francisco. The ROW spans Tuolumne, Stanislaus, San Joaquin, and Alameda counties. The ROW Plan included:

  • ROW management activities.
  • Maintenance activities for vegetation and road/drainage facilities, applicable BMPs, groups or individuals responsible for them, and resources required to implement them.
  • Monitoring and quality control practices, documentation procedures, reporting, and work tracking.
  • First 5-year work plan for ROW maintenance.