Analysis of Major Flood and Expert Witnessing Services

Client: Law Offices of Federico Sayre

In 1986, flooding caused significant damages to a number of communities in northern California.  The floods in the Roseville area, near Sacramento, damaged several hundred homes and businesses.  Flood victims initiated legal action against the City of Roseville, Placer County, the California Department of Transportation, Southern Pacific Railroad, and local developers. Plaintiffs' counsel retained WRE to investigate the characteristics of the flood, assess its causes, and identify the most effective flood protection alternatives.

WRE reviewed hydrologic and hydraulic data developed by several entities and performed further analysis to incorporate recent floods.  Hydrology and backwater profiles developed by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the City's engineering consultants were analyzed.  HEC-1 models were used to analyze hydrology.  Hydraulic analyses were performed using several computer models, including HEC-2, DWOPER and WRE's own unsteady flow model.

WRE’s Principal Engineer provided expert witness testimony. Several weeks of depositions were followed by seven days on the witness stand.